Sunday, August 15, 2010

When Herons Leave the Lake

Ven. Sheng-yen
Some inspire grace and awe. Even in the animal realm, there are those that move through life with such grace that it touches our hearts to behold them. Who is not in awe of giraffes running on open grassland, of blue whales breaching ocean waves, or of herons landing on wetlands? There have been those among us that inspire this same awe as we see them move through life with such a natural ease and grace. Like lotus and herons, they rise above the murky waters of life to witness each moment with ever renewing freshness. Such people give us a vision of how life could be for each of us, how the world could be if we could only be at ease ourselves and see with such clarity!

Last year on February 3rd, my Shifu (師父), Chan Master Sheng-yen, 聖嚴法師, passed from this world. It was like the heron we had long since taken for granted had suddenly taken flight and left the lake. Geese and mallards cannot compare with this graceful, mindful creature! How sorely he is missed!

John Daido Loori
On October 9th, 2009, John Daido Loori spread his wings and lifted off the lake leaving still waters.

Now, last Friday, Robert Aitken Roshi also has spread his wings in flight leaving me to wonder what we do when all the herons have left the lake? Each time a master passes, Buddha's final breath takes on new relevance: "Strive on!" We inherit their vows to live a life of compassion and rededicate ourselves to our daily practice. Masters like Sheng-yen arose out of need, like a high pressure cell naturally flowing into a low pressure cell. On their passing, a new void is created and others must rise to the challenge with renewed vitality.
Robert Aitken Roshi
When herons leave the lake, in due season they or others will return. In the meantime, we ourselves must rise above the murky waters and move with mindfulness and grace.